Cyber Security 

Done Right

Cyber Risk Services provides a variety of innovative & comprehensive cybersecurity services.


Peace Of Mind For You And Your Data

Cyber Risk Services (CRS) offers network security assessments that identify current gaps and provide recommendations based on the Top 20 SANS controls utilizing security best practices that show our clients how to improve their infrastructure while mitigating risk.  

Our business specializes in the analysis of a customer’s existing network infrastructure and their existing hardware and software solutions, as well as reviewing their plans, processes and procedures around technology. We provide organizational and individual leadership in security by evaluating and supporting existing technologies and researching, designing, and recommending solutions to fill in the gaps. This will assist our clients in accomplishing their mission and visions in an affordable, efficient, expeditious and secure manner without the interruption of service. 

CRS strives to assist our clients in taking simple often neglected steps to improve the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of their network security as many businesses are limited in the funding they can allocate to security management and risk mitigation. 

One of our key abilities is to perform network based security assessments using highly specialized technology that shows our clients what traffic actually exists on their network. Once completed, we review the results and make best practice recommendations based on what was found. This data often identifies problems and other details that are otherwise very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain and can often provide early insight as to employee behavioral patterns that can assist in the identification of risk exposure. 

Our monitoring solution can identify financial records, intellectual property, personally identifying information (PII) and other sensitive data as well as the unauthorized disclosure of that data in an unsecure fashion, which can assist in data loss prevention (DLP).

We are an MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) for Cofense. Recognized as an industry leader in Security Awareness Computer-Based Training. Cofense combines market-leading incident-response technologies with employee-sourced attack intelligence for a complete collective defense against email-based cyber-attacks

We have the ability to do in-depth E-Discovery and Forensic investigations on servers, workstations, mobile devices including tablets, smart phones, cell phones, and other portable devices for legal hold, litigation, internal and other investigations. Our technology has the ability to be specific down to the keyword and can be used to identify specific internet activities from a specific machine or user. 

CRS helps you see data that’s in plain sight.


Cyber Risk Services (CRS), LLC offers industry-leading tools, technology and expertise to help secure our clients information and assets around the clock, at a fraction of the cost of securing these tools independently. CRS is committed to enhancing the district staff and administration through education, service, and assessments of their environment to ensure their processes, students, staff, administration, facilities and technology all complement one another to create an effective defense from cyber-attacks.  

End Point Protection

Next Generation End Point Solutions to provide protection above and beyond commercial off the shelf antivirus, monitoring and threat hunting services, separately or as a total managed service. Our company will deploy and manage sensors, as well as investigate possible threats and can take immediate action to defend endpoints against current and future attacks. This solution offers the ability to remotely quarantine the infected device isolating it and preventing the further risk to the network infrastructure or other technology devices on the network.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Services

We provide a comprehensive logging solution, using the Gemini Data platform and Splunk software as a fully managed on-prem or cloud-based solution.

This part of the solution provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Services such as security monitoring, advanced threat detection, event correlation and incident management. Our solution provides detailed information about data trends revealing issues and actions that are easily understood by school district employees in order to take action against current or future threats. If desired, we can provide assistance throughout the entire process, making recommendations on the exact steps to follow for the prevention, remediation and future investigation of any incident or malicious activity.

Network Infrastructure Security Analysis

 Network/computer/workstation/server vulnerability assessment services

Incident Response Services 

We provide security monitoring, advanced threat detection, forensic and incident management.

Employee/Staff Conditioning For Resiliency Against Malicious Email Messages

Our email assessments and training empower staff/administrator to become the last line of defense with industry proven behavioral conditioning methods to better prepare staff and administrators to recognize and resist malicious phishing attempts–transforming one of your biggest liabilities into your strongest defense

Forensic Services  

We can provide reliable methods to identify, collect, preserve, process, and analyze mobile and related digital Electronically Stored Information (ESI) in the form of text or instant messages, applications data, geo-location data, images, and stored or transferred files. From data capture through analysis.

Our Partners

Here is who we work with!


San Francisco, CA

Carbon Black

Cambridge, MA

Open Text/

Guidance Software
Waterloo, Canada

Access Data

Linden, UT

Gemini Data Systems

Koniz, Switzerland


Leesburg, VA

Mission Statement

Cyber Risk Services (CRS), LLC offers industry-leading tools, technology and expertise to help secure our customer’s information assets around the clock, at a fraction of the cost of securing these tools independently. CRS is committed to enhancing the cybersecurity workforce in small to mid-level businesses through education and service and helping to ensure their people, processes, and technology all complement one another to create an effective defense from cyber-attacks.

Next Generation End Point Solutions 

Provides protection above and beyond commercial off the shelf antivirus 

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Services 

Provides security monitoring, advanced threat detection, forensics and incident management 

Incident Response Services

On-site service during active cyber-attack to allow continuance of business 

Cellphone Forensic Services 

Provide cellphone acquisition services for local law enforcement and legal community o Recovery services for SMS/MMS messaging, call logs, contact lists and phone IMEI/ESN information, web browsing history, geotags, email records, and social networking activity 

Forensic Investigations

Provide device acquisition services – respond, collect, preserve, and analyze electronically stored information to uncover root cause of the incident 

Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery) and Litigation Support Services 

Electronically identify, collect, and produce electronically stored information, such as emails, documents, presentations, databases, voicemail, audio and video files, social media, and web sites in response to a request for production in a lawsuit or investigation 

Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Problem with your order? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. 


Phone: 570-392-3101

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